Cash isn’t my Middle Name, but it is till on the Birth Certificate

Money makes the world the round.  Unfortunately, capital is usually directly related to legislation and government operations.  All the idealism and good intentions in the world won’t fund public projects.

The economic downturn damaged every institution of the American economy.  Financial issues and struggles escape no one, not even the government, on any level.  It feels as though local, state, and federal government officials are at a Catch-22, there is no money to continue with particular projects and to fund every level of government budgets, but raising taxes on the American people would cause so much turmoil comparable to the uproar that led to the Civil War.  The citizens of the United States, on average, can’t afford to pay more taxes at this time, but corporations refuse to pay as well.  Exactly where are these miraculous sources of revenue supposed to come from?  I’m no arborist, but last I checked, money doesn’t grow on trees.  If I’m wrong I’d love to know, and will begin planting a whole forest of these plants immediately.

This is a difficult realization and this standoff isn’t without consequence.

In Mililani, Hawaii schools were closed in order to save money for an additional 17 Fridays.  This drastically cuts into the time that teachers have with students, shortening lesson plans and affecting their education.  In addition to the long-term consequences of this action, parents are either forced to miss work, or pay for day care in order to not leave their children home alone.  This clearly cuts into the parent’s income.  Seems almost counterproductive considering these are the same individuals that are being taxed to fund government budgets.

Last March, Clayton County, Georgia shut down their public bus system in order to balance their budget.  This leaves over 8,000 individuals without transportation to work.  Again, this seems counterproductive in the end.

Colorado Springs shut off a third of its streetlights this past winter in order to save $1.2 million on electricity while at the same time reducing the size of its police force.  Obviously, crime rates soared and citizens of Colorado Springs feel their security has been compromised.

Money clearly doesn’t come from nothing, but exactly where is the money supposed to come from?  American citizens on all levels complain and refuse to pay taxes, which is understandable, but the price that we pay for refusing to be responsible citizens are these quick fixes governments put in place in order to survive short term.  Gum in the cracks of a dam only hold for long, hopefully we don’t drown when it breaks.

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Unexcused ennui

My sister and I were always very close growing up.  For some unbeknownst reason that is beyond my comprehension, Se7en, directed by David Fincher, is one of our all time favorite movies.  As messed up as it seems, we would watch this movie every time we needed or wanted to spend time with one another.  “Broke up with your boyfriend?  Let’s go grab some ice cream and watch Se7en.”  This is clearly the best remedy for any emotionally distressful situation, but I digress.

The above video segment is between Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt during a scene in which the characters are conversing in a bar.  Maybe it’s because I have some sort of unhealthy adoration of Morgan Freeman’s voice, but the following lines have always resonated with me.

William Somerset: I just don’t think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was virtue.
David Mills: You’re no different. You’re no better.
William Somerset: I didn’t say I was different or better. I’m not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it’s easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It’s easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It’s easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work

Apathy runs rampant in our modern society.  I’ve discovered that over time my peers are completely ignorant in current events unrelated to entertainment or that personally affect them.  Most are unregistered voters; yet complain about government legislation and operation without being educated in the topic of their complaint.  Hardly any know about medical or other scientific research that is currently taking place, let alone how it could affect our society and way of life.  Basically, if the current news and information isn’t aggressively spoon-fed to a person in a way that resembles Chinese water torture by the large media conglomerates, they bask in their ignorance and immerse themselves in frivolous fads and trends that, in the end, mean nothing.

Call it a fool’s errand, but this is a disillusioned nerd attempting to make an impact.

As Morgan Freeman’s character, William Somerset said: “Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.” I agree with the second part.”

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